Secure Data Rooms – How to Securely Share Confidential Documents With Third Parties

Secure Data Rooms are employed by businesses to protect confidential documents with third-party parties during transactions. These files include private documentation, IP and copyrighted works that cannot be duplicated or distributed without permission from the company. This kind of information is essential to your organization, particularly in today’s high-speed business environment. Speed shouldn’t be sacrificed in order to protect. Using the appropriate tools to share files securely can be a major factor when you negotiate deals with partners, investors or potential M&A targets.

It is important to keep in mind that not all virtual data rooms are made equal. While most use a combination security features to ensure only authorized users have access to certain documents, you should be aware that they don’t all have the same degree of security. This is particularly applicable to allowing users to view documents offline or print them directly from the data room.

We’ve seen that many secure data rooms that offer this feature rely on password protection to ensure that only a specific user has access to the document. This isn’t a good enough level of security because it doesn’t take into account the possibility of the user sharing their login credentials with anyone else or allowing anyone else access to the information. Additionally, many systems that permit document downloads for offline viewing – especially PDFs – don’t have any security controls at all or provide only weak security (such as watermarks). Digify’s digital data room does not rely on passwords or any other weak authentication methods to ensure that only authorized users are allowed to print and view documents from the platform. Instead, the system uses advanced data protection techniques like encryption, multi-factor authentication and threat detection with real-time monitoring to block access by anyone else.